- August 5, 2019
- 8:35 pm
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Welcome to Digital Marketing Education
Thank you for stopping at our Blog!
This is our first entry and we thought we would tell you about Digital Marketing Education. As you may have guessed from the name of our website, our aim is to inform you about digital marketing! We will be doing this with tips, guides, reviews, sharing experiences, events and through courses, products and services.
Our Digital Marketing Courses and Services
We are keen to help businesses with their digital presence. Whether you are a new business owner, running a business or looking to start a side hustle; our courses can help you succeed with online. We also support budding digital marketing professionals looking to skill up and offer services to clients.
As well as being an authorised provider of online courses form The Internet Business School, we also offer a range of courses, events from other partners and as well as our own services. Our key objective is to support YOU in becoming more informed about the digital marketing landscape and by doing grow your business on the World Wide Web.
We recognise that not everyone wants to learn by doing an online course. People learn in different ways so we will be offering and promoting live events. So do look out for those by subscribing to our newsletter!
So what is digital Marketing?
This website is all about digital marketing but this is a very broad term. So to make sure you are on the right page, let us define what we mean.
A definition of Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing is about establishing, developing, and promoting an online presence for your service, product or personal brand. This is to help you become known to potential consumers, help you add value to your tribe (target audience) and as a reward for this, you get paid! Off course getting paid may not be your goal, you may just be happy to contribute to knowledge and entertainment that is available on the internet.r
Digital Marketing Eduction
That’s our definition but if you have any questions, do get in touch!
Doing Digital
There are several ways of ‘doing’ digital marketing and the list grows all the time.
Here are some: websites, blogs, email list, social media, YouTube videos, podcasting channel, search engine optimisation, online adverts. We see these as avenues to get your brand in front of your audience.
Then it is about goes onto those channels? To continue the analogy above, we need to know what goes on the avenue. What type trees? Are there buildings? What are you going to produce that will go on those channels ? – i.e. What is your CONTENT strategy?
For example,
- an 800 written piece will lend itself well to a website or blog.
- A video could be included in website, blog, email list, social media or online advert.
- Or images would suit a number of social media channel – making sure that size dimensions of the image is suitable for the platform. Images could be a gif, meme, a single photo or a collage?
There are lots of options and it all depends on which platform you are using, your target audience, type of product and business objectives.
Overcoming Overwhelm
There is a lot to cover in this area and staying updated is a challenge in itself.
We all have demands on our time and trying to fit it all in can lead to overwhelm. Don’t feel too burdened by this! It’s all about taking one step at a time on a consistent basis.
Our step by step videos will guide you on how to implement aspects of digital marketing into your business. It is also important to manage your time and continuously develop a positive mindset that is open to learning. There are several ways to this and it is about finding the approach that is right for you.
Learn and Apply
The internet is changing all the time and we plan to keep upto date and share this with you as well as our experiences. We firmly believe in being life long learners and this is so important in this space. This also requires applying knowledge gained on a regular basis. This will help you grow, move on to the next leaning stage and increase your confidence.
Keep upto date with Digital Marketing Education.co.uk
Stay informed and sign up to our newsletter by registering here. We will not spam your inbox and you can unsubscribe at any time. By signing up to our newsletter, you will be informed of our latest news and be the first to know about our special offers.
You can also follow us on social media and we have decided to use Facebook, LinkedIn and Pinterest. So if you are on any of these channels do follow us!
As ever, if you have any questions you can contact us here.
Once again, Welcome!
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